Men in Aprons

I’ve been working on two apron commissions. I like saying commissions. It sounds as if Lorenzo di Medici had called me on my cell: “I want my portrait on one side and pale lavender chintz on the other.” Janice and Debra, I hope to get yours in the mail tomorrow, and although I’ll take snaps before I send them, I won’t post the pictures until you get them. Kim, I’m assembling your fabric. Next week, Babe.

But here are a few pix of two of my favorite men, in previously unpublished photos. When I see the brilliant cleanliness of Lloyd’s kitchen, I’m surprised he didn’t run screaming from mine.

Here’s the tender side, wrought from fabric left over from what I call “The Lloyd Memorial Guest Rooms Curtains.”

Thanks, Lloyd, for sending me the pix displaying  your apron and the Pacific Northwest.

Here’s the internet debut of a reversible I’ve made only once before, and Honor bought it as a Christmas present for a friend who’s not so much a cook as a crafter. It does have that smock vibe, and it’s no strings — there’s a cunning flap (closed with Velco) that can be adjusted to fit most. I apologize for the pictures — Lou Zoolander  was impatient and I could barely snap off a shot, let alone do some professional styling. He kept wailing: “My ice cubes are melting! Hurry!”

He stepped towards me as I was snapping — hence half his head is missing.

Back detail: it would look better had he given me time to adjust the band.

I could have made full length Lloyd Memorial Guest Room Curtains!

I like this pattern a lot, and might adapt and dabble further with the design. It wouldn’t work as well for men as for women. but it’s plain enough to inspire lots of ornamentation ideas.

I love a man in an apron, and wish I could find, in my madly disorganized Picassa files, a couple of shots of my buddy Dean in his cupcakes and skulls. Tomorrow I’ll write about something cheap and high-minded — John Milton?

I think not.


Filed under A yard of fabric, Apron of the Day, Needlework, Ten bucks or fewer

5 responses to “Men in Aprons

  1. sparrowgrass

    I hope a man comes along with mine.

  2. Patty

    I love the new style, you are right it is more of a craft apron. What a great idea! I’ve damaged several good tops due to flying ink.

  3. kim shook

    I can’t wait for mine!! So excited to see what you come up with. When I am on the big computer (where my pictures are stored), I’ll email you a picture of Mike in our apron. He looks smashing!

  4. Lloyd

    Thanks to neighbour Jane Heffernan for the photos.

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