New Supermodels in the Kitchen

Lou Zoolander is my go-to runway model when I’m blogging about my apron industry. Hey, hey’s handsome, he’s local and he’s cheap! But I’m going to show you three new apron models today, all far-flung. In fact I’ve never inhabited a room with two of them, the Shooks. I met Kim at, the ne plus ultra of food sites, and our relationship is a perfect example of how a real friendship can grow from an online community. She has been one of my greatest apron patrons, and she sent me a Christmastime order: two yin/yang — both dudes golf — and one for a hot air balloon enthusiast.

And the other side is a Wizard of Oz balloon print:

One lady likes roosters:

Detail of the fab fabric:

Another lady likes teapots:


One of the golf prints:

Clickety to enlarge, of course. I well up a little thinking out their generosity in sending me their own photo shoot. Look this way, dahlings!

I may have posted these pictures of the lovely Melissa here or on Facebook, but I’m gonna do it again. Unlike the Shooks, Melissa I’ve known since our friends, Jim and Janice, adopted her. The sucky thing is that they moved away years ago and the last time I saw here she was a tiny ballerina and now she’s a college student.

The manga side:

The geisha side:

I could spend some time musing about the improbable wonders of the internet — making new friends and keeping up with old friends. But all I’m going to say is that I love my new models, love that they found the time for their own photo shoots, and love that aprons keep our clothes clean.



Filed under A yard of fabric, Apron of the Day, Into the Mystic, Needlework

7 responses to “New Supermodels in the Kitchen

  1. Wonders of the Internet, indeed!!

    And wonders of the Singer (or Brother, or even Husqvarna—hope they don’t sound like the chainsaw).

    Your talents amaze and delight, Sweetpea. Amaze and delight.

    • Actually, it’s a Kenmore. And Lady Writer par excellence, I’ve promised myself a pot of tea and a calm hour tomorrow catching up with Lawn Tea. What a treat in the offing!

  2. Lloyd

    I love that there are getting to be so many models!

  3. Bev

    They are not enlarging for

  4. sparrowgrass

    I’ve seen those roosters somewhere!

  5. Kim Shook

    They are really gorgeous aprons, Maggie. I’ll be very proud to give them!

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